The various photographs of the Master in the gallery have been grouped in four categories on the basis of the subject. The first category represents the photographs of the Master Himself in various moods. In this context it is relevant to remember the Master’s words – ‘Sri-Krishna, as Sadguru, told Arjuna ‘I’ i.e. Self is an indivisible undifferentiated identity. He explained the essence of ‘I’ i.e. I-Reality to Arjuna through such a statement. He further added, if, however, you forget this, look at and observe my physical appearance as that is the gateway to the true identity of the Self. When you look at this body indivisible Saccidananda will appear before you.’
The photographs of the Master at different locations as and when He visited various places, have been included in the second category. The third category contains photographs taken at various events organized mostly by Saccidananda Society. We have included assorted photographs of the Master in the fourth category.
Photographs in all the categories have been arranged chronologically year-wise. Excepting a very few, all other photographs in the first and third category are taken while the Master was in high divine mood and at times in deep Samadhi (Trance).