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05-28-2018 NOTICE

Saccidananda Society, the only organization authorized by the Divine Master Prajnanpurush Sri Sri Babathakur, to preserve, publish and disseminate the divine and eternal messages emanating from His lotus lips, notes with deep concern that some people are utilizing His messages by misquoting and distorting the same for their selfish motive and purpose as viewed in their websites and publications. The status of the Society makes it imperative that those who want to use His messages take prior permission/consent from the Society and keep proper documents to prove its authenticity. People at large are required to beware of persons who use false or unauthenticated statements/messages purported to be those of Sri Sri Babathakur.

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05-28-2018 Nectarine Discourses of Sri Sri Babathakur

Telecast of The Nectarine Discourses of Sri Sri Babathakur and Discussions on The Subject

A Bengali program named “Talks on Self Identity” at 8:30 am every Sunday on Zee Bangla, a Hindi program named “Swayam Se Saksatkar” at 6:50 pm every Sunday on Aastha TV & at 5:30 am everyday on Sarthi-TV (TataSky 1080) and Sri Sri Babathakur’s nectarine discourses everyday at 6:30 am and 1:00 pm on Siti Bhakti Bangla Channel. These videos are also selectively available on YouTube Channel: saccidanandasociety1 […]

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06-28-2016 Invitation for the Program on 19 July, 2016

Dear Devotee,
A special function is being organized on the occasion of Gurupurnima on July 19, 2016, Tuesday at 6 pm at Kalakunj (Kalamandir, 48 Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata – 700017). Vedantacharya Dr. Bhabani Ganguli has kindly given her consent to be the Chief Guest of the program. Sri Kedar Narayan Bodas and other devotees will render revealed Bhajans of Prajnanpurush Sri Sri Babathakur. […]

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02-04-2016 Programs on Saraswatipuja, 2016

Dear Devotee, A function has been scheduled to be organized to offer prayers and respect by the devotees on Saturday, Feb 13, 2016, being Sripanchami Tithi, the day of Saraswati Puja and the day of divine arrival of Prajnanpurush Sri Sri Babathakur on the mortal plane.

A special function has also been scheduled to be held on Monday, Feb 15, 2016 at 6pm at […]

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'Saccidananda power is that all-divine power which manifests Itself very scientifically, methodically and in a successive order with a view to unfolding the true or divine nature of the I-Reality. It unfolds and follows two paradoxically opposite courses, namely involution and evolution. In and through the former course It descends from the all-knowing I-Self nature to absolute ignorance, the non-self nature, willfully and very carefully hiding or covering Its true nature.'

- Sri Sri Babathakur

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