Saccidananda Society has published one Video CD so far containing the revealed spiritual discourse by the Master at C.R. Park Kali Mandir, New Delhi on November 26, 2001. There are many more yet to be published.
Tags: Bengali,Sub-titled (English),Sub-titled (Hindi)

Revealed Bhajans
The revealed songs of the Divine Master are essentially the formulae of His realized truth deliberated by Him. Though the lyrics often have names of Godheads appearing serially, these are quoted with the perception of an undifferentiated Self as pointed out by Sri Sri Babathakur Himself. Bhajans were revealed with Lyrics, Ragas, Taal and Laya spontaneously and all these lyrics, as are seen, are revelation of the undifferentiated and undivided representation of Brahman, God, Self.

There are two documentary films on Prajnanpurush Sri Sri Babathakur released so far.
Tags: English