Our Blog

06-06-2012 Let the Journey Begin!

The objective of this blog is to open a new horizon with respect to our purpose of presenting the messages of Prajnanpurush Sri Sri Babathakur to the people at large globally in a lively and interactive way, complying with the unconventional divine words of the Master Himself that transcends the boundaries of caste, creed, sect, […]

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'Saccidananda power is that all-divine power which manifests Itself very scientifically, methodically and in a successive order with a view to unfolding the true or divine nature of the I-Reality. It unfolds and follows two paradoxically opposite courses, namely involution and evolution. In and through the former course It descends from the all-knowing I-Self nature to absolute ignorance, the non-self nature, willfully and very carefully hiding or covering Its true nature.'

- Sri Sri Babathakur

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