
Saccidananda Society has published one Video CD so far containing the revealed spiritual discourse by the Master at C.R. Park Kali Mandir, New Delhi on November 26, 2001. There are many more yet to be published.

Talks on Self-Identity

Tags: Bengali,Sub-titled (English),Sub-titled (Hindi)

This is a series of spontaneous deliberations and exhaustive discourse of Prajnanpurush Sri Sri Babathakur on clear and direct knowledge of man’s true identity and real nature.

In His own words—”The I-Reality or the Real Self without undergoing any change at all reveals as Universal-I. Universal-I reveals as numerous individual I’s and the entire world phenomena, which is nothing is nothing but the ‘Sportful dramatic sameside game of Self-Consciousness / I-Consciousness'”.

‘ ‘I’ is both existence and consciousness, hence it is said, I exist as I know and I know as I exist. They are one in two and two in one which unfolds itself as Ananda or Bliss. These three together constitute Saccidananda I-Reality which reveals Itself as Being and becoming i.e., life and the rest. That is why it is said that life is a medium or instrument of Saccidananda I-Reality for Its ‘sportful dramatic sameside game of Self Consciousness.’

- Sri Sri Babathakur

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