Let the Journey Begin!

The objective of this blog is to open a new horizon with respect to our purpose of presenting the messages of Prajnanpurush Sri Sri Babathakur to the people at large globally in a lively and interactive way, complying with the unconventional divine words of the Master Himself that transcends the boundaries of caste, creed, sect, faith, religion, etc.

By means of this blog, we expect to create a collaborative atmosphere where inquisitive people and devotees keen to explore one’s own true identity i.e., Truth/Self/I-Reality as revealed to the Master can submit their queries and share their views and receive responses as well as clarifications in a friendly and constructive manner.

A reading room with sections in English, Bengali and Hindi have been provided in the website. We would be happy to receive feedback and queries.

Many thought-provoking sayings of Sri Sri Babathakur are also spread throughout the website, based on which open and lively discussions may follow for the benefit of all concerned.

12 comments on “Let the Journey Begin!

  1. Partha Guha

    Excellent work by the team ! My heartiest congratulations to all of them.Jai BabathakurPartha

  2. Subhas Khamaru

    The website is really good with a lot of features.It’s really a beautiful work done by saccidananda society.JAI SRI SRI BABATHAKUR……….

  3. Manish Chowdhury

    This website is really great. The website contain all the key features such as (Appearance, Content, Functionality, Website Usability and Search Engine Optimization). Excellent work done by Saccidananda society team. Hope to see the upcoming events in the website. JAI SRI-SRI BABATHAKUR.

  4. Rajib Rajderkar

    It has been a great pleasure to work in a team and complete a task by the grace of our beloved Master Sri Sri Babathakur.

  5. Himansu Sekhar Rauth

    It’s a great coincidence . I had visited him in New Delhi long back ( may be in 1991-92 at C R Park) . While I was reading through his views in Bengali Version, it seems that he was speaking through my Guru Maharaj .Truely , the Guru Shakti is present everywhere , it manifests in various forms . The perennial source is same “Akhanda Sachhidananda” . Through Meditation this everlasting chaitanya may be perceived throgh Sadguru in all the time. A great message indeed .

  6. Manas Samanta

    The program we watched today on Aastha channel is wonderful. I am a regular viewer of the Society’s programs telecasted on Zee Bangla channel. Today’s program seems very vibrating, attractive and also very innovative to me. I gratefully admire such initiative taken by Saccidananda Society. Thanks for spreading the message of I-reality throughout the world.

  7. shoumojit

    This is a high time, we should give some attention and awareness to the teaching, as each word and action is a nectar, and has the inherent potential to leave a deep impression.


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‘Jiva when transcends or negates mind is Divine-Self, the very goodness absolute. Jiva transcends the non-self, heterogeneous nature only when he truly cultivates right knowledge, which is Oneness of Knowledge and Knowledge of Oneness i.e. Knowledge of Knowledge.’

- Sri Sri Babathakur

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