English Books

There are twelve English titles published by the Society so far. These treatises contain Supreme Wisdom revealed to and unfolded by Prajnanpurush Sri Sri Babathakur. There is another publication titled Dictionary, which is unique since it contains glossary of non-English words used in the books.

Knowledge of Knowledge Vol-II
Knowledge of Knowledge (Vol. II)

Pages : 487 + 15 Price 400/-

Tags: English

This treatise is a sequel to the first volume of Knowledge of Knowledge and consists of fourteen chapters with specific names given to each chapter. As mentioned on the cover itself it is essence of Knowledge that is given in the text. It is also mentioned by the Master that Knowledge of Knowledge is Knowledge of Oneness, which in Sanskrit is called Vidya or more precisely Paravidya. As in volume I, here also the Master has provided analytical study of the subject through diagrams, charts and tables wherever needed. Each chapter has sections with titles. It cover all spiritual aspects specially the ones arising from Vedic following and then the Master has given His own interpretation as also truth that often is hidden. Self-identity is established through rational analysis. The last chapter contains the song of self-identity.

Price: Rs.400.00

Dictionary – Glossary of non-English words used in Knowledge of Knowledge Vol-I & II

Tags: English

This book contains glossary part of the unique classic treatise Knowledge of Knowledge (Vol-I & II).

The full text of two volumes although revealed in English language, yet a greater part of it is enriched by original Sanskrit words associated with some Bengali words and idioms, which need English translation. Such an act of rendering English translation of those words for their proper clarity, takes the shape of the book titled Dictionary. This Dictionary is essential for the clear understanding of the interested readers. This Dictionary may also be consulted while reading other English titles.

Price: Rs.40.00

Reflections on All Divine Master Sri Sri Babathakur – compiled by S. R. Rajderkar

Pages : 51 + 5 Price 15/-

Tags: Compilation,English

The compiler himself claims that the work was done under the guidance of the Master Himself. The work consists of four sections titled as:

Publishers note, General Introduction, Main points of the text/introductory speech, text of the speech, there are concluding remarks as well.

Publishers note is essentially preamble where the compiler has quoted some very short abstracts from the speech of the Master to justify the work to be undertaken. General Introduction highlights the spiritual discourses of the Master at different places to demonstrate that the Master is a true Realizer.

Main points of the text are the listing of the contents of the text page-wise. Text of the speech is the main issue — Reflection on All Divine Master which focuses on His uniqueness, originality and unconventional characteristics : For this the compiler has referred to issues of Sri Sanai and some treatises of Sri Sri Babathakur as mentioned in Acknowledgment.

This is a small volume giving the essentials from the speeches of the Master as deemed proper by the compiler and it would be worthwhile to read it for understanding the philosophy as propounded by the Master.

The concluding remark is worth going through to see the sincerity with which this short compilation work has been made.

Price: Rs.25.00

Voice Divine
Voice Divine

Tags: English

Voice Divine is a very small compilation of ‘quotes’ in simple sentences of universal truth of Divine value as revealed to Sri Sri Babathakur. These are endowed with the lights of right understanding.

Price: Rs.5.00

Light of Light
Light of Light

Hard bound, 204 pages, 51/2" x 81/2"

Tags: English

Prajnanpurush Sri Sri Babathakur’s revealed speeches are full of spiritual Divine Reality. In His words, they are all Light of Light, Knowledge of Knowledge, which is verily Divine Reality Itself.

This small book, Light of Light, presents some of the collections of His sayings that bear eloquent testimony to His original direct experience of non-dual Reality. Each of the quotes, though simple in expression, is full of Super-Divine Essence.

Price: Rs.10.00

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‘Material science is the culture of duality, diversity, plurality and relativity which verily pertain to non-Self with the Real Self lying behind in the background as the all-pervading truth or underlying essence. Non-Self for its existence has always the Real Self as the background or substratum.’

- Sri Sri Babathakur

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