Pages : 50 Price 10/-
Tags: English
It is a compilation by Sri S. R. Rajderkar, a sincere devotee of the Divine Master, of the divine talks of the Master on the same subject i.e. Bhajans. There are some quoted excerpts from the speeches of the Divine Master at different parts of the book. These are considered relevant with the subject.
The meaning of Bhajan, why should it be performed and the significance of the word Bhajan as envisioned by Sri Sri Babathakur are included in the text as told by the Master. The text contains what is Bhajan, essence of the word Bhajan, classification of Ananda derived from Bhajan, Purna Mantra, prayer—its definition, significance, kinds, classes and universality, fourfold nature and beneficial aspects of Bhajan, need of a Guru, composed songs and revealed songs—their characteristics, Divine characteristic features and esoteric value of revealed songs. There are concluding message as well.
There are two appendices; in the last one a few translated revealed lyrics are also included. The book ends with a comprehensive glossary.
If one is interested to know what really is Bhajan and why Bhajan is universally associated with spiritual activities, one would get a comprehensive analysis of this from the lotus lips of a true realizer which is systematically reproduced after collection from different sources by S. R. Rajderkar.
Price: Rs.10.00

Tags: English
This book is a sequel to the book Bhajan, which contains compilations of the revelations of the Master with respect to Paramashakti Paramaprakriti.
Paramashakti Paramaprakriti is the creator, ruler and dissolver of the entire universe. From the standpoint of a perfect Realizer (the Master), who is totally identified with the Ultimate Essence from where Paramaprakriti draws Its basic existence, the magical representation of the world phenomenon of Paramashakti is only witnessed as the play of non-duality.
Price: Rs.10.00

Pages : 315 + 15 Price 250/-
Tags: English
Sambodhiparam means Supreme Wisdom or Wisdom Absolute. The treatise named as such is designed by the Divine Master to ‘unfold the secret wisdom of non-dual Reality’ through ten chapters called waves. The waves or chapters have no titles as such but each chapter has a number of sections. First wave starts with the section ‘Reality-Itself’, the second starts with ‘Two aspects of the Absolute Reality’ and so on. As the Master Himself said each of these chapters ‘is complimentary and supplementary to one another’. The original text is in Bengali. In the English translation requisite modifications, additions and classifications have been provided to make it a complete treatise. The text covers topics like nescience, illusion, action, game of duality, embodied beings, primal persons, inner nature, divine power, equanimity, renunciation, mind, vital speech, triple Guna, Self-identity, attributeless Reality, Immutable consciousness, Self-Consciousness, transcendental Knowledge, trinity principles of Darshan-Vijnan-Dharma. Five sheaths (or Koshas), form-name-idea-consciousness and many many others in a manner that can help the seekers to be thorough in the issues for performing themselves to move ahead.
At the end of the ten waves their consummation has been considered where some essential aspects have been incorporated with subtitles. In this the culminating result of monistic Vedanta unfolding the truth of non-dual Reality is presented for the perfect realization of the Divine Self-reality in life as I-Absolute.
The treatise is aptly supported by an alphabetic glossary at the end.
Price: Rs.250.00