Bengali Books

Most of the books published by the Society are in Bengali. Titles such as Viveksiddhi, Gurutattva Gurubad Gurubani (Vol. I & II), Tattvalok, Swajnanugrahasudha, Paka Aami O Kancha Aami, Atmasutra (Vol. I & II), Smritigantha (Vol. I & II), and Pariciti are noteworthy among many others. Apart from the eternal teachings and messages of the Divine Master some of these books are kind of biography / memoirs about the Master e.g., Smritigantha and Pariciti.

Smritigatha Vol-I
Smritigantha (Vol-I)

Tags: Bengali,Memoir

This biography of the Divine Master Sri Sri Babathakur is a memoir of a eye-witness of His divine life. It contains not only the intricate penfortive incidents of His divine life but also vivid descriptions of apparently insignificant sketches of His mundane existence. It is an evidential document of the life of an introspective seeker then known as ‘Mastermosai’, who later became a self-realizer Sri Sri Babathakur. Sreemati Bani Chakraborty got the rare opportunity to see directly His divine game by staying very close to Him. This treatise draws information from her diary. This is the first volume of a two volume series of the life sketch of the Master.

Price: Rs.250.00

Smritigantha Vol-2
Smritigantha (Vol-II)

Tags: Bengali,Memoir

This second volume of the two volume series is memoir of eye-witness Smt Bani Chakraborty of the divine life of Prajnanpurush Sri Sri Babathakur and His ambrosial speeches and interactions with others. The period of this memoir spans from January 1970 to August 1996.

Price: Rs.250.00


Tags: Bengali

‘Apanbodh’ is self-perception — sort of innate understanding. Only when one dwells in pure I-ness does the feeling of this perception occurs. Self perception is esse of the pure I-ness, and the perception of Swabhava (nature) is in my-ness. In this treatise, existence of both of these has been elaborated by through the innate perception. Spontaneous self perception is self-realizable by the innate perception only. Sri Sri Babathakur has unfolded the Science of Self-realization in this treatise, spread over two chapters, in His own inimitable style.

Price: Rs.30.00


Tags: Bengali

The knowers of Reality have mentioned that true identity of ‘tattva is nothing other than the omnipresent Supreme Being — unabated truth that has no beginning and no end. The omnipresent Self-realizer Sri Sri Babathakur has said that ‘Sambodhiparam’ is none other than God-Self-Brahma. In this treatise, Sambodhiparam, He has expressed this omnipresent truth in an easy and captivating manner. He said that It has duel form of manifestation — eternality of the real nature and the innate power. In ten ‘waves’ of the book He has unfolded how science of eternality and innateness are controlled by congestive realization.

Price: Rs.40.00


Tags: Bengali

Atmatattva is a major treatise on unitarianism as propounded by Saccidanandapurush Sri Sri Babathakur. The speciality of the book is that it contains novel and spontaneous unfoldment of the essence of Supreme Being and Truth Absolute as revealed to the Divine Master. Over 15 chapters this unfoldment has been very gradual and scientific.

Tattva essentially is Atma and Atma essentially is tattva. This tattva is the realization of realizations, Knowledge of Knowledge. This is what the Master calls Swabodh Atma. This Swabodh and I-ness are not different. The mundane life is a life of nescience and ignorance, of non-self knowledge. Atmatattva is the key to establish self knowledge in a man by eradicating his ignorance and non-selfness.

Price: Rs.100.00

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‘Life individual is relative by nature but real in essence. Life universal is spiritual and divine, hence real and immortal, whereas life transcendental and beyond is the Absolute, hence eternal and ‘All Divine for All Time, as It Is’.’

- Sri Sri Babathakur

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